The Experience of Suffering

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 - We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies. 

1 Peter 1:6-7 - So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 

Sometimes when people become Christians they think that their new life will be “perfect.” You may think that a life with God is problem-free. However, this is not the case.  Certainly, now that you know God, life is better beyond what you might have imagined.  You once carried the burdens of life on your own, but now you can give your cares to Him. You used to face trials and challenges by yourself, but now you can rely on Him to see you through.  So, yes, life is different:  God is on your side!  But, at the same time, we still live on earth, and earth is not without its troubles. 

No doubt you have already experienced trials in your life, and no doubt there will be more to come.  Hurt. Betrayal. Humiliation. Disappointment. You may go through trying times that test you.  You may face frustrating setbacks of various kinds. You may hit rock bottom some how, some way.   

No matter what happens, God will walk with you and give you strength. He will provide the power and provision you need to persevere. God, in his infinite wisdom and grace, will take those trials and use them for good. He will make them count for something; they will build and nourish your soul, and often, they will give inspiration and hope to others.  

In this fragile world of chaos, it is possible that you or someone you know will experience downright, unimaginable suffering. Maybe an emotional suffering, where the mind and heart are shattered by deep depression or mental illness; when a grief and loss is beyond what you can manage. A physical suffering that hinders life as you know it may descend on you or someone you love; where the body is so wrecked by disease that death is preferred over the pain. These will be the times when you question God.  Why is this happening?  And there will be no answers that satisfy. There will be so many things you don’t know and don’t understand.  But, hear this:  We do know that this is not his heart for us.  We do know He is with us and never leaves us.  We do know He will heal us, whether it be in this world or the next. We do know that in our weakness He is strong.   

“Pay attention to your tears” spiritual teachers of old have said. Do not hide them from God.  Do not hold them in. Let them flow and let them speak of the sadness and struggle within your heart and soul. 

Lean in to God when you find yourself facing trials or experiencing suffering.  God is not looking for you to have a bullet-proof, solid heart of steel that you stand behind in this dark time. As painful and vulnerable as it may feel, let your heart break open in a spirit of surrender, releasing the darkness of sorrow and making room for the light of hope.

After a time of trial or suffering, if you have held the hand of the Lord, you will find yourself to be different; the Bible says so. After being through a “refining fire” circumstance, you, like metal transformed to gold, will be purified: your character will be honorable, your endurance and strength of heart will be notable,  and most important, when a sigh of relief comes, that this season is over for now, you will look in your heart and find that you… are… more… like… Jesus…than you were before.  Though you felt as if your were dying inside during the whole ordeal, in fact, God was resurrecting himself in you.  Love, and grace, and peace are now yours like never before.  You are being transformed and you are “becoming.”  More and more beautiful every day.

More: Lamentations 3:19-24, Romans 5:3-4, 1 Corinthians 7:11

Kimberly MacNeill