The Role of Community

Hebrews 10:24-25 - Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.  

Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

People often wonder if they have to "go to church" to be a Christian. The answer is, "no."  Showing up at a building referred to as the "church" and staying for one hour does not make one a Christian. But "showing up" with other believers does make a difference in the Christian life.

People invest in you. You invest in them. In times of outrageous joy or deep, deep sorrow, you are there for each other. You know each other's name.  You care for each other. You pray for each other. You encourage each other. You miss each each other when you’re apart.  If you are an introvert, a few people talking around a coffee table might be enough for you. If you are an extrovert, more is better!

Motivation and encouragement for living the Christian life is found in connecting with other believers.  You remind each other of Him and His ways; you remind each other of his love and grace;  you remind each other of His blessings; you remind each other that He is present and you will see Him face to face someday. Your faith increases by seeing the faith of others. When someone reads God's word to you, you hear it in a new way than when you read it alone. You hold each other accountable.  If you are off on your own you will get side tracked.  No doubt sin will creep in as you become more self-centered and less God-centered, your own desires rationalizing your sin away.  When you are alone, you wander away from your faith, when you are with a community of Christians you move forward in your faith. When you have questions about life, it is better to have a few other perspectives from Christian friends than to have only your own thoughts or outside perspectives that are not of God. 

If there is a time when you think you don't need the church, or you don't need other Christians in your life, remember this:  a nun lives in a convent... with other nuns.  A monk lives in a monastery.....with other monks. Even those who have set themselves a part to be of special service to the Lord and committed to a life of solitude STILL know the calling and value of community.  No one succeeds and no one’s faith grows without it.  

More:  Proverbs 11:14, Romans 1:12

Kimberly MacNeill